Friday 3 January 2014

Windows 8

How To Shut Down Windows 8 Quickly
Posted on 3:48 pm by FaisaL CV.

If you are using windows 8 then it is quite long procedure to shutdown Windows . In order to shutdown windows , you have to open charms bar & click on settings after then their is option of power under which shutdown appears . So today i am going to share an easiest method by which you can shut down your windows 8 PC more quickly.

 The steps involved in this procedure are :

1. Go to your desktop & right click on the empty spot.
2. Select on the new option then create shortcut by clicking on shortcut option.
3. In the above text field under " Type the location of the item " , enter the following line.

shutdown.exe -s -t 0

where -t suggest the time after which shutdown will happen & 0 ahead -t suggest that shutdown will happen immediately after 0s . You can even increase the value from 0 to any another number after which you want shutdown to happen.

4. Now Give it a name which is default as shutdown , change it to another name you want , if not then simply create a shortcut by clicking on Next

5. Now You have created a shortcut . In order to shutdown , simply click on this option your windows will shutdown immediately